Do I need to wear special pants in the countryside?
Happy New Year! Whatever your resolutions and new plans, this year I invite you to take a fresh look at our countryside.
I spend a lot of time in the countryside amidst the rolling Chiltern hills, winding lanes and on breezy hilltops because I have a dog that takes me out twice a day. Leo keeps me fit and I am used to the conditions and degrees of mud and slippery chalk paths I know we will encounter this January. But I am not out yomping every day.
At this time of year, the socials are full of well-meaning posts showing hardy people outside ‘walking off Christmas excess and new year hangovers.’. But enough with the pressure I say, and go into the countryside when you’re ready and feeling up for it.
/ (yomp) / verb. (intr) to walk or trek laboriously, esp heavily laden and over difficult terrain
An invitation
Wear what you like, what you feel comfortable in, there’s no need to wear the sort of countryside-kit that can only be described as lumpy and luminous with textures that jar in the landscape - along with all manner of equipment that boggles the mind and purse. Clearly don’t wear your new trainers in January, your feet will get very cold and you’ll be cursing and vowing never to return as you try and clean off the muck!
What you can wear to keep warm is a pair of tights under your jeans (or borrow a pair). That extra layer will keep you toasty.
From train to trail
I will be sharing hints and friendly tips to tempt you into the countryside, how it can be accessed and enjoyed with friends and family, or if you prefer with a small group, or on your own. Starting from our market towns that are linked by bus and train from the urban centres that press in on the green open spaces. These market towns are worth spending time in as they are where the high street merges with countryside, from train to countryside trail. I’ve lots of suggestions for day’s out and weekend’s away, but as ever, would love to hear your suggestions and questions you may have about where’s good to go, to avoid and what to bring.
The answer my friends if a resounding NO. You do not need to wear special nylon, polyester, elastic or any other synthetic combination pants, come as you are!
A new website
Later this month I will be sharing a new website with countryside ideas of the most interesting and unusual, market town treats, foodie events, local companies offering the best combo of walks and trail essentials, and anything else that has taken my fancy - or yours, let me know what you have found. Or what you’d like to know.